Investigating Color: Red Onion Study

“Red Onion” 5 x 4 oil on panel

Today's painting, a 5 x 4 inch oil on panel titled "Red Onion," was an engaging exploration of color and form. The hues of the onion were a joy to investigate, and I found the process both challenging and rewarding. Strange that we call it a red onion when really it's quite purple. 

The finish on this piece is a bit more refined than yesterday's painting, yet the brush strokes are more cohesive. I focused on maintaining the forms without overly smoothing the surface, allowing the natural texture and movement of the brushwork to come through. This alla prima study was a lot of fun, and I'm really enjoying how much I'm learning with each new piece.

Sharing some process images to give you some insight to the studio sequence. Thank you for following along on this artistic journey. Your support and engagement mean a lot to me.


Minimalistic Exploration: “Chanel Blue Study”


Revisiting Bold Strokes: Cup Study